Ascendyn – Direct Response Ad Agency

Advertising Your Carport Business on Google and Bing

December 19, 20237 min read

The first step of a major purchase is often research. This is especially true with items like carports that are meant to be durable, long-lasting, and withstand wear and tear. Consumers want to gather all of the information possible about an expensive product before making a buying decision. After all, they are spending their hard-earned cash on what they hope is a worthwhile investment.

More than 80 percent of buyers begin their search for their next big buy online. And this searching and research process can often last an average of 79 days. So how do you make sure your brand is a part of this journey? 

Search engine advertising is a great way to put your carport business at the forefront of these shoppers’ minds. When they begin their search, they often start in places like Google or Bing. Making sure you are one of the first brands they see can pay off in increased brand awareness. Plus, reminding them of your brand along the way of their journey can increase your chances of winning their sale.

The key to this optimal and repeat placement is search engine advertising. Check out how this lucrative way of marketing your carport business can help you grow your sales and lead to your success.

How Does Search Engine Advertising Work?

When you advertise on search engines, your business gets optimal placement. Campaigns can be targeted to your specific target audience and tailored to your goals. Plus, the results can be easily interpreted, allowing for ongoing optimization.

First, your short and long-term goals will be determined. Do you want increased website traffic or brand awareness? Maybe you have a brick-and-mortar showroom that you would like to drive traffic to. Or, you might just want to boost the inbound calls you receive. Your campaign will be crafted with these objectives in mind. 

Your ads will also need to be created in a way that attracts your audience to your brand. Display ads should contain dynamic creative content that gets noticed. Search ad verbiage should be short, sweet, and highlight the benefits of your brand. And map advertising should be accurate of your location and reflect your target market’s service area.

These advertisements will then roll out with a frequency according to your budget. One of the best things about search engine advertising is that you can set a max budget for your campaign. Your budget can also be tweaked along the way reflecting your results. 

What Keywords Are Used in Search Engine Ads for Carport and Garage Businesses?

When creating a targeted search engine ad campaign, you’ll need to put yourself in the shoes of your audience. What are they looking for when they begin their search? How can you get your advertisements in front of customers that are most aligned with your brand?

Selecting keywords for your campaign can be tricky. More common keywords can allow you access to more searchers. However, these are the keywords and phrases that your competition is likely targeting as well. A mix of general keywords and ones that are specific to your brand can help you avoid saturated ad spaces. 

Think about your carport and garage business and what makes it unique. Maybe you specialize in pre-fabricated, DIY kits. Or, perhaps your focus is on custom products with professional installation. Using keywords like “carport kit” or “custom detached garage” can help you reach the best audience for your product. 

Choosing keywords is best when you imagine how you would begin your search for a parking structure yourself. Focus on user intent and verbiage that searchers would use.

Accurately Targeting Your Market with Search Ads

A lot of effective advertising is reaching the audience that has a need for your brand. First, you must determine exactly who and where your target market is. Then, you can plan a campaign to reach these potential customers. 

One of the best benefits of online advertising, including search ads, is the ability to target very specific geographical areas. This means that you aren’t wasting your efforts on audiences outside your service areas. Honing in on a specific area or radius can make your ads much more successful.

Another awesome feature of search engine ads is the ability to retarget those that have already shown interest in your brand. They have already started their buying journey by searching for your products or visiting your website. Using cookies, retargeting uses your ads to remind these users of your brand during their other searches. 

Why You Should Advertise Your Carport and Garage Business on Google

Advertising your business with Google Ads is a great way to grow your audience. It allows you to tap into the many users that use the site as their default search engine. Plus, it can be a really cost-effective method of advertising. 

Google Ads can help you tap into the massive popularity and usership of the world’s most massive search engine. The site launched in 1998 and has been growing at a rapid pace ever since. It now holds over 90 percent of the search engine market share and is the most visited website in the world. Being the go-to search engine of so many users gives you access to a large audience. 

Google Ads is also very flexible and effective when it comes to ad spending. You can adjust your budget at any time.

The cost-per-click model also means that Google Ads are a wise place to put a portion of your marketing budget. You are only billed if the user interacts with your ads. This gives you a results-driven campaign that can boost your ROI and maximize your advertising spend.

Advertising Your Steel Structure Products on Bing Can Boost Your Sales

When you think of search engines, you likely first think of Google. However, not considering Bing for your advertising can sell your brand short. The site has many benefits and its ads can boost your brand as well.

Ads on Bing, known as Microsoft Advertising, can be an awesome way to reach a whole other audience. As the second-largest search engine in the world, the site receives more than a billion visits per month. It’s also integrated into Microsoft products, making it a default search engine for many users.

Bing also allows you to tap into an additional demographic. Many of the users on the site are more mature adults. Plus, 38 percent of Bing users have an income of over $100,000. This is an important factor when selling big-ticket and investment purchases like carports. Your Bing ads can get your brand in front of these target groups that can be valuable to your business.

Search Engine Ads Provide Your Business with Valuable Data

A valuable feature of search engine ads is that they provide your business with extremely useful data. They give you access to the technology and algorithms to continuously improve your results. This helps you make the most of your campaigns and utilize them to their fullest potential. 

Campaign features can be analyzed and easily tweaked. So when you see what trends and ideas are working, you can capitalize on them. And you won’t waste excess time forcing ideas that may fall flat. 

These features allow you to make the most of your search engine advertising. As you see what is successful, you can optimize and scale your campaigns to invest in proven techniques. Plus, it’s easy to make these changes and quickly garner better results. 

Search Engine Advertising Can Benefit Your Carport and Steel Structure Business

Search engine ads are a valuable tool in growing your business. Whether they are used to increase awareness of your brand, drive website traffic, or boost your sales, they can help you meet your business goals. You’ll give yourself prominent placement in both search results and in the minds of your target market, increasing your chances of being their next big purchase.

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